
Our team

Passionate instructors

Our team has an impressive combination of in-depth knowledge, extensive experience, high quality training and a compassionate approach.

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Andreas Meyer
Andreas has a long-standing passion for sport and fitness. His interests extend beyond conventional training methods, as he is always looking for new challenges and lesser-known fitness equipment such as maces, clubbells and rope flow.

Die tiefe Verbundenheit zu Sport führte Andreas zur Ausbildung zum Personaltrainer, wo er nicht nur sein Wissen vertiefte, sondern auch seine Begeisterung und Expertise mit anderen teilte. Die Gründung des Uetli Gyms markierte einen Wendepunkt, da es Andreas Vision von ganzheitlichem Training verkörpert. Das Gym ist nicht nur ein Fitnessstudio, sondern auch eine Gemeinschaft, in der traditionelle Fitnessgeräte und innovative Methoden, die er auf seiner sportlichen Reise entdeckte, zum Einsatz kommen.

Andreas' dedication has made the Uetli Gym a unique destination for people of all fitness levels. His story is an inspiring example of how passion, education and a willingness to explore can lead to a fulfilling career in fitness.


Alain's athletic journey began in childhood and developed into a fascinating path that has made him a versatile athlete and dedicated personal trainer. At the age of 6, he immersed himself in artistic gymnastics, learning the basics and discovering the joy of movement. 

After 8 years of artistic gymnastics, Alain felt the need to try other sports such as kung fu, football, bouldering and slacklining. At the same time, he completed an apprenticeship as a carpenter, worked in this profession for several years and travelled the world on an exciting journey. In 2018, Alain started training to become a qualified personal trainer. This marked not only a career change, but also a desire to share his experience and love of exercise. Alain sees this as an opportunity to support people on their journey and help them achieve their personal goals. His broad background knowledge and lifelong love of sport form the basis for personalised coaching.
Andreas Wintsch

Die Sportkarriere von Andreas begann als 9-jähriger im Unihockey, wo er während 13 Jahren zahlreiche Erfolge auf nationaler Ebene feiern durfte. Durch eine schwere Knieverletzung wurde er dann gezwungen, neue Wege einzuschlagen und fand so später die Faszination am Functional Training, die er heute tagtäglich in unterschiedlichen Trainings an seine Kursteilnehmer/innen weitergibt.

Mit nur 22 Jahren begann also sportlich ein neues Kapitel und so begann Andreas, unterschiedliche Sportarten zu erkunden. Von klassischem Krafttraining über Sportklettern, Box-Kondition, Tennis, Velofahren oder Jogging. Je länger er diese Sportarten ausführte, desto mehr merkte er, dass ein funktionierender Bewegungsapparat die Grundlage für jeden sportlichen Erfolg ist. Dies brachte ihn zum Functional Fitness, in welchem er dann erfolgreich eine Ausbildung zum Functional Fitness Trainer absolvierte. So bringt er eine ideale Kombination aus Wettkampf- und Teamsport und einer Fachausbildung, das seine Ursprünge übrigens in der Physiotherapie hat.

Christin Linn

With almost 18 years of experience in figure skating and a degree in sports and movement science from ETH Zurich, Christin is an experienced athlete and expert in the field of movement.

After 5 years in advertising and marketing, Christin has rediscovered her passion for sport. Last year, she successfully completed further training to become a functional trainer at SAFS and has been teaching SportAktiv courses, athletics courses and adult courses on the ice ever since.

Dragi Lazarevic

Dragi is a passionate athlete with many years of experience in boxing and a current focus on functional fitness. His next goal is to take part in the Hyrox competition in autumn 2024.

A healthy, athletic lifestyle is important to him and healthy eating is a priority. After successfully completing his functional trainer course at SAFS, he is now aiming to become a performance trainer in order to develop further and take on new challenges.

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Dorothee Rheinberg

Dorothee ist seit 2008 als Gruppenfitness-Instruktorin tätig und verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrungen mit Les Mills- und Piloxing-Programmen.

Ihr Hauptanliegen ist es, dass sich ihre Teilnehmer in den Stunden erfolgreich fühlen und erkennen, dass Fitness eine kontinuierliche Reise ist, die sich im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt. Sie motiviert ihre Teilnehmer dazu, ihr Bestes zu geben und darüber hinaus zu gehen, ohne dabei den Spass aus den Augen zu verlieren.


Ela ist diplomierte Personal Trainerin und Performance Coach mit dem Motto «Fortschritt vor Perfektion». Sie individualisiert jedes Training, indem sie gezielte Fortschrittsziele setzt und neben Ernährung auch Hormonmanagement und Lifestyle optimiert.

Ihre Leidenschaft für Bewegung und das Verständnis des Körperbetriebs begleiten sie seit ihrer Kindheit. Durch ihre Zertifizierungen strebt sie nach persönlichem und professionellem Wachstum. Ela legt Wert auf langfristige Erfolge und beginnt mit einer umfassenden Analyse deiner Situation, um individuelle Ziele zu setzen. Ihre Trainingsmethoden sind vielfältig, von Krafttraining über Laufen bis hin zu HIIT und Functional Training, immer mit dem Ziel, Spass und Herausforderung zu vereinen.


Frank has been practising yoga for over 20 years and has been passionate about teaching it for seven years. In addition to his work as a yoga teacher, he is also an artist, family man and occasional university lecturer.

Originally raised near Stuttgart, Germany, he spent a large part of his life in Hamburg from 1995 to 2006, where he studied art at the Hochschule für bildende Künste. Since 2006, he has made his home in Zurich's Kreis 5 neighbourhood.

Hanna Kuhfuss

Hanna, an experienced yoga teacher and yoga therapist, began her yoga journey in 2015 with a basic yoga teacher training in India. The following year she expanded her repertoire with the UNNATA Aerial Yoga Teacher Training in Slovenia, which added a new dimension to her practice.

Her ongoing training includes DANA Aerial Yoga Deep, Pre/Postnatal Yoga, Yoga Anatomy and Dorn Spinal Therapy. Hanna is currently deepening her knowledge by participating in the challenging 500-hour Quantum Yoga Teacher Training programme.
Hanna's commitment to yoga goes far beyond her training - it is reflected in her daily practice. As a yoga teacher and therapist, she combines styles from traditional techniques to innovative approaches such as aerial yoga. In her classes, she creates a supportive space where students can find a deeper connection to their bodies and minds through mindfulness and curiosity. Hanna invites people to discover their individual approach to yoga and experience the transformative power of this ancient practice.


Lyuba is a dedicated fitness instructor with a lifelong passion for sport and physical activity. About a decade ago, she found her true calling in fitness and strength training and invested in professional training to effectively guide herself and others towards their fitness goals.

She is committed to helping others navigate their fitness journey with clarity and avoid the pitfalls of myth and pseudo-science. For her, fitness isn't just a temporary pursuit; it's a lifelong commitment where she finds joy in the process and celebrates tangible results.

Lyuba makes it a priority to stay abreast of the latest research and advances through continuing education. Her curiosity extends beyond fitness to include a deep interest in nutrition and mental health, recognising their integral role in overall wellbeing.

Lyuba places particular emphasis on a customised approach, genuine empathy, integrity, a positive mindset and transparent communication.

Marc Guarneri

Marc is a qualified nutritional therapist and medical fitness instructor with a passionate dedication to personal training. Since childhood, he has been fascinated by sports such as handball, tennis and squash, which taught him how to train his body in a targeted way and build strength efficiently.

His motto is: "You can't decide how old YOU get, but you can decide HOW you get old." For this reason, Marc supports his clients in burning fat and achieving a healthier well-being. He starts with a thorough body fat analysis to determine their current condition before working with his clients to achieve their personal goals.

Obwohl das Training anspruchsvoll sein kann, steht für Marc der Spass an der eigenen Gesundheit immer im Vordergrund. Daher gestaltet er sein Training individuell und bietet verschiedene Arten von Workouts an, darunter Functional Training, Calisthenics, Bodybuilding, Sling Trainer Sessions, HIIT und Sequenztrainings.

Steffka Kroyer
Steffka's yoga journey began in 2006 when health issues motivated her to take care of herself. Yoga became her beacon of hope, opening up new ways to connect body and mind. Increased awareness helped her overcome physical obstacles.

Steffka has been integrating yoga into her daily life since 2014. In 2019 she completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training course in Saarbrücken. She continued her journey with further training, including with Adell Bridges, and deepened her knowledge in a 300-hour yoga teacher training course.

Yoga and meditation are constant companions in Steffka's life. The yoga mat is her sanctuary, a tool for self-care. She wants to share this transformative power and inspire others to find their own individual approach.

In Steffka's classes, participants let go of their everyday mindset and find a deeper connection with their bodies and minds through intense movement, mindfulness and curiosity. An invitation to a shared journey of self-discovery and a deeper connection to the inner self through movement.


Silvia is a dynamic practitioner with a calm attitude and a committed approach. She has extensive life and professional experience in the field of social and professional integration as well as in the healthcare sector.

Silvia is characterised by her goal-oriented and organised way of working, always keeping an eye on the essentials. She has a positive attitude and is an open and transparent communicator.

Triana Castro

Triana, ursprünglich aus Mexiko,  ist eine zertifizierte Pilates Instruktorin von Polestar. Auf der Suche nach neuen Herausforderungen und Kulturen, reiste sie die letzten sieben Jahre als Scuba-Tauchtrainerin in verschiedene Teile der Welt. Zu unserem Glück, hat sie sich entschieden, ein Teil von Zürich und dem Uetli Gym zu werden. Ihr ansteckender Enthusiasmus, gepaart mit ihrer aufgeschlossenen Art, bringt sie in jede Pilatesklasse.

Impressed by the Swiss culture and landscapes, she decided to stay here. With love and enthusiasm for her profession, she sees coaching not just as a job, but as a lifestyle and a passion.


Gizem is a keen sportswoman and fitness enthusiast. Her friendly and helpful manner ensures that all members feel welcome and well looked after.

Larissa Gruntjens

Larissa's open and communicative manner creates a warm atmosphere at reception, while she shares her enthusiasm for fitness and health with the team and customers.

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Here could be your NAME

Do you want to become part of our team and share our passion for fitness and health? We are looking for committed and motivated people like you who want to work with us to support people on their journey to a healthier lifestyle.

If you are interested, please send us your application by e-mail to [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you and discussing the possibility of working together.