
What do we have to offer?


Our world of fitness

Personal training, group fitness and sauna in Zurich Wiedikon

Immerse yourself in our world of fitness and find the programme that is right for you.

With professional trainers, a wide range of classes and a rejuvenating sauna, our community gym is the perfect place to achieve your health and wellness goals.



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Personal Training

Discover the benefits of personalised training with our experienced personal trainers. From targeted muscle building to individual weight loss, we can help you achieve your fitness goals.


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Group fitness

Choose from a wide range of fitness classes, from functional fitness and strength training to yoga and Pilates. Each class is designed to build strength, endurance and well-being.


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Nach einem intensiven Training kannst du hier die Muskeln lockern und den Stress des Alltags hinter dir lassen. Ein Ort der Erholung und Regeneration, um Körper und Geist in Einklang zu bringen.


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Rent the PT room

Du bist selbständige:r Personaltrainer:in und möchtest mit deinen Kunden und Kundinnen in einem modernen und top ausgestatteten Studio trainieren? Dann melde dich gerne bei uns. Preis CHF 30.00 pro Stunde.