
Group fitness


Your path to top form

Group fitness at the Uetli Gym

Discover our diverse range of fitness classes that will challenge and develop you in every way.

From intensive functional fitness and powerful strength training to yoga and Pilates, we offer a wide range of training options. Each class is designed to build strength, endurance and overall well-being.

Immerse yourself in our diverse programme and find the perfect class to support your fitness goals.

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Aerial Yoga

"Weightless Yoga" combines elements of different yoga styles and therapeutic yoga work. Using a trapeze cloth, we integrate traditional and flow-based practices as well as deep floor-based stretches. 

Suitable for all levels, it promotes flexibility, strength building, spine stretching and relaxation. Discover flying, floating and hanging with playful ease!

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Experience a versatile, functional full-body workout with a focus on strength and endurance in our all-in-one class. 

From barbells and kettlebells to sweaty finishers, there's something for everyone. 

An energising session for holistic fitness and fun.

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Athletic Performance

Willst du deine sportliche Leistung auf ein neues Level bringen?
Dann ist ‹Athletic Performance› genau das Richtige für dich! Hier dreht sich alles um die Optimierung komplexer Bewegungsabläufe und die gezielte Stärkung deiner konditionellen Fähigkeiten: Kraft, Schnelligkeit und Ausdauer.
Unser Training ist nicht nur für Athleten gedacht, sondern für alle, die ihre körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit steigern möchten. Durch gezielte Übungen verbesserst du deine athletischen Fähigkeiten und sorgst gleichzeitig für eine effektive Verletzungsprävention. Egal ob du im Beruf oder in deiner Lieblingssportart Höchstleistungen bringen möchtest

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Fit 4 x 30 min

Get fit with 4 x 30 minutes a week.  

Four 30-minute sessions per week, starting with targeted upper or lower body exercises on Monday and Tuesday.
Thursday is an intensive HIIT session, followed by a full body workout on Friday. 

Die einzelnen Krafttrainings und auch das HIIT können gut einzeln besucht werden.

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Functional Fitness

Our Functional Fitness classes combine bodyweight exercises with functional equipment to train realistic movements. 

We focus on strengthening muscle groups that work together in synergy in everyday life or other sports, rather than training isolated muscles. 

Experience holistic and practical training for optimal everyday performance!

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Functional Training

Experience a full-body workout with functional training classes.

Start with a heavy compound lift such as a back squat or deadlift, followed by an intense full body workout and a strength and endurance session. We train the whole body with a clear focus on strength gains and holistic progress.

Improve your strength and endurance!

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Fusion Flex

Experience the ultimate fitness journey with our Fusion Flex courses. 

Each session is a dynamic mix of strength, endurance, flexibility and core exercises. 

Take advantage of the versatility of Fusion Flex and experience a varied workout in a supportive environment.

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Hyrox is a competition series that combines obstacle courses with functional training.

This class integrates running with functional exercises to improve strength, endurance and obstacle overcoming skills.

A holistic workout that promotes both physical fitness and the fun of competition.

Das Training eignet sich genauso für Anfänger wie Fortgeschrittene.

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Pilates is a unique workout that improves strength, flexibility and posture.

With increased mental awareness, you transfer positive effects into your everyday life, boosting self-confidence and coordination. Our Pilates class combines classic principles with Mexican flavour. Suitable for everyone, we adapt flexibly to your needs.

Discover the harmony of Pilates and strength - for a holistic workout!

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PILOXING® SSP is a combination of powerful, fast boxing movements and strengthening Pilates exercises. It is an effective interval training programme that burns fat, builds muscle, works the cardiovascular system and tones and shapes the body. The boxing elements promote agility, flexibility and endurance and strengthen the arms, shoulders and back. The Pilates component also strengthens deeper muscle groups and improves posture.

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In our strength training sessions, you'll experience intensive strength training focused on building muscle.

From squats to bench presses, we offer a comprehensive range of exercises. Divided into lower body (Tue), upper body (Wed) and full body (Fri), these targeted sessions will maximise your progress.

Ideally you should attend all three days for optimum results.

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Vitality Boost

Staying active at 60+

Our fitness classes for the over 60s are designed to improve flexibility, joint stability, coordination and the cardiovascular system.

Exercises are always performed in a slow and controlled manner and are supervised by our instructors. Our focus is on functional movements that are often performed unconsciously in everyday life.

The time is now